Welcome to Gurucharan's featured collection of work!
Product Reaction (Sizzle Reel) - Gan.ai
The audio and video was sequenced, mixed, and produced with just
zoom recordings while tracking the first impressions of the product.

Checkout this link for what people think about this video!
G2 Badges Campaign Video - Mesh.ai

This video was created to highlight top-rated
reviews and badges earned by mesh.ai in G2.

Better Outreach Introduction (Teaser) - Slintel

A quirky approach to introduce a product to drive engagement.

The HR Musical (Lyric Video)

The concept of making the HR Musical was ideated and produced in a day.

Republic Day (Stomp Teaser) - 91Ninjas

New UI Launch Campaign (Teaser) - Mesh.ai

In The Brand Scheme of Things (Podcast Opener) - Gan.ai
This video was produced with custom composed theme music.

Checkout this link for what people think about this video!

Oh yeah! Sometimes I write about my experiences with life.
There are two types of mankind in our world, one who scream and the one who doesn't .There is no hierarchy in this, but, the pain is same even though the forces are different. (Ref. The one who screams but not that loud). "The impact is same but the force is different", isn't that magical? Imagine two stones weighing the same, thrown far away at different time and at different speed (force), but when it hits, it creates the same impact.
Wonder how? That's the journey of our lives, we all pretend to be happy and move on to something else, but, this doesn't obey the laws of human nature and is meaningless. Human nature is meant to discover morale, ethics, values, love, kindness, etc. but it's a myth as well. Certain things we learn (see) either by exploring them or by experiencing them. If we cross both these paths, then it's the best reward for mankind.
Time is our duration of existence, which is indefinite and continuous depending on the events from past, present and future.

So, it doesn't really matter under which type we fall now, it's all the same, cuz we created an artefact (money) which is now a commodity too. Let's just not wait for things. There is so much to see(explore) in the world, but most of us are stuck at one place because of our own invention.
Inventions are for development. Living upon the invention (money) is bravery but living longer on the same thing is foolishness. To all mankind, live on your own, save your asses, spread love but not money, cherish reality and live longer to be (explore) a part of your younger one's journey.
Explore reality. Explore life. It's a fantasy.

Cheers! - GC
We hear about it, a lot; we are scared of it; we feel it; maybe sometimes we just say it because we have to, so that it wouldn't affect the counterparts. "It" refers to "love" here. In our lives we come across different kinds of people like parents who loves their children unconditionally, or people who are intimidated by terrorists and rapists or by a man who is loyal to his woman. What if there comes a situation when we are in a battle with one of the above kinds? Isn't the thought scary? It's always about commitment and how good we are at handling it. We are all just ordinary. Maybe we would be a bit extraordinary if we are good at handling things better. I guess we learn this from our past experiences. 

I appreciate the ones who are good at dealing things better but aren't we all vulnerable at some point of time. It's not easy to handle the unexpected pressure; sometimes even when we are confident we can do it. .
When we're against our own people, hurting them and still standing for what we feel is right - this is when the real struggle starts. Greatest (successful) life is achieved when a proper force drives us towards the target (like in archery) and that force is what we are fighting with. Let things happen; let's try and make sure that they happen for good. Our life will be a story (examples) some day, and to make it good, don't we need some pages reserved for feelings and emotions which would be a bridge between who we are and what others want us to be? So let's try to stop worrying or thinking too much about the future and let's take a second to appreciate ourselves for what we are today.

Cheers! - GC

A Graphic Novel Cover
A Graphic Novel Cover
The Black Hole - A self-exploration Art Work
The Black Hole - A self-exploration Art Work
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